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Read the FAQs.

  • Take the time to read through the FAQs.  This will give you an overview of what we do as well as clarify some of your basic questions/concerns about your coilovers.


No online coilover damage assessment and cost of repair estimates.

  • Coilover Specialist will NOT entertain inquiries on the cost of repair or damage assessment based on pictures or customer descriptions.


Please bear in mind that coilovers come in different sizes, form and type.  Damages also vary from coilover to coilover depending on the years of use (or abuse by the owner), whether the coilovers are brand new or second-hand,  or whether the coilovers underwent periodic maintenance or not.  The extent of these internal damages and the cost  of repair can ONLY be determined by disassembling the coilovers and by physical inspection.

Sending your coilovers


Send dampers only without the top mount, boot cover, bump stop, perch, and lower mount.  It should be cleaned and degreased, otherwise, you will be charged with external cleaning (P300/coilover) and disassembly (P300/coilover).


Cost is subject to the severity of the condition of dampers.  Stuck nut, perch and lock perch will be charged separately as well (P300/coilover).


Refer to our Terms and Conditions for other costs.


  • You shall be notified when we receive your coilovers and will be required to pay for the inspection (P300/damper).


  • Coilover will be disassembled  and totally knocked down to reveal it's internals and determine the overall condition if it is worth restoring or not and the extent of damages.


  • After inspection and evaluation, you will be notified of the issues of your coilover and the total cost of restoration and overhauling.


  • If you decide to proceed with the restoration and overhauling service, payment should be settled in full otherwise restoration will not begin.


  • We will give you periodic updates on Messenger so you can track the progress of your coilovers.

Service completion

  • Upon service completion, you will be notified of the shipping schedule.

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